Já prontos para novas iniciativas não queríamos deixar de agradecer a todos os presentes, que ajudaram a produzir e participaram nesta iniciativa. Foi um sucesso!
Enquanto não publicamos o nosso plano, deixamos um pequeno vídeo em jeito de agradecimento!
José Manuel González (CALEIDUINO)
Camilo Parra Palacio (OTTO DIY)
Alexandre Guerreiro (BLOCKS)
Florbela Ribeiro
Luís Noivo
Marcos Pereira
Nuno Bettencourt
Victor Freitas
Ana Chambel
Ana Mafalda Gonçalves
Andrea Graça
José Matias
Filipe Antunes
Hélia Covas
Joaquim Charrua
José Carlos Alves
José Rico
Luís Fernandes
Manuel Ribeiro
Roque Oliveira
Zita Soares
11:00 – 11:30 FAZ com as tuas mãos (Mariana Costa e Silva);
11:45 – 12:15 Caleiduino (José Manuel González)
12:30 – 13:00 Light Beam (Nicol Tonello)
15:00 – 15:30 Portable Maker Microscope (Tauan Bernardo, VIVA Lab)
15:45 – 16:15 OIO Playing Concept (André Panoias & Manuel Marchante, 100% ADN)
16:30 – 17:00 Blocks Zero (Alexandre Guerreiro, BLOCKS)
João Pombeiro (joaopombeiro.com)
Mariana David
Priyal Vassaramo
Raquel Português
Pedro Santos (Responsável ESELx)
António Aguiar (ESML – IPL)
Caio Rodrigues (ESML – IPL)
André Rocha (Fab Lab Benfica, ESELx – IPL)
André Trindade (BY THE END OF MAY)
Davide Onestini (BY THE END OF MAY)
Distributed Design Market Platform – EACEA-06-2017-591699 European Commission (Europa Creativa)
CALEIDUINO is a sound interactive digital kaleidoscope based on Arduino. CALEIDUINO is a game, an artistic object and a tool to understand electronics and programming in a creative and entertaining way. The aim of the workshop is to allow teachers to understand the artistic possibilities of technology in the classroom.
The revolution in manufacture is happening, design is at service of user-makers: DO IT with your hands (FAZ com as tuas mãos)! Change your mindset: everyday use products don't have to be made by industry. FAZ are easy to build designs and classes to demystify wood furniture making and empower people to do their own furniture. Each piece is designed to be easy to build, with basic tools and easy-to-find materials. Your handwork provides more gratification than mass-produced goods consumerism. How simple, fast and distributed can be making a stool? On this presentation I'll explain the key design principles to get people from 4 to 99 to make a stool in 45 minutes.
Ambient light made with the technique of an extruded beam. Embracing and utilizing the qualities of translucent polystyrene, giving what was once old CD cases a new life. The presentation will be focused on explaining the process of making the lamp, going through different shapes, types of plastic, finishing and different colors and textures. Introduce Precious Plastic original and my time in version 4 developing the light beam. Compare the process there with the new mold. Finishing with the improvements and future applications.
O workshop será focado principalmente na montagem da tua Blocks Zero. Poderás escolher entre a Blocks Zero Frost (branca) ou Blocks Zero Crystal Clear (transparente). A Blocks Zero é a máquina ideal para aprender tudo sobre uma impressora 3D visto que farão a assemblagem completa da impressora e ficarão a conhecer todos os componentes que a impressora necessita para produzir peças plásticas. Terão também a oportunidade de imprimir o vosso próprio porta-chaves da Blocks Zero.
OIO é o conceito vencedor do concurso de design Plastic Replay. Consiste numa reinterpretação de componentes dos jogos tradicionais, formando um KIT didático com 3 peças chave. Os jogos tradicionais, para além do importante confronto intergeracional e de possibilitarem a fruição do tempo em família e amigos, são importantes na iniciação de movimentos por parte das crianças. Este KIT assenta em duas premissas fundamentais: a reafirmação dos jogos tradicionais portugueses; a atenção ao ciclo de vida de um produto, fazendo de um brinquedo sem uso, um novo.
The maker movement gives us a superpower: Use our tools to make new tools and with them explore new universes. Within the DIYBIO/biohacking concept, where we use the capabilities of the maker movement to develop projects that bring biology and biotechnology closer to the general public, I present a simple and inexpensive project that can be easily reproduced for all students in a classroom. The Portable Maker Microscope is a new take on the cheap laser pointer lens MOC and allows the student (or grownups) to explore the micro-biome around using their mobile phone, with a convenient focus adjustment system and slide holder. very versatile and fun.
Modular open source 3D printable robot with epic personality. The most basic version can walk, avoid obstacles, make sounds, dance… other versions of Otto already come with more functionalities like a Bluetooth module so that you can use our Free mobile App to also remote control and create new dances. Programmable with Arduino or Blockly or Scratch, a graphical language for children that many here might be familiar with. You just drag and drop blocks that have the main functions you want your robot to do, you put them in a loop, send the code and like magic the robot follows all the commands.